Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wicked game

Disclaimer: I have chosen the video below because the song is great and not, absolutely not, because of Helena Christensen half naked and iper sexy during the whole video!

"What a wicked game you play
To make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do
To let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say
You never felt this way
What a wicked thing to do
To make me dream of you
And I don't wanna fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]
And I don't want to fall in love
[This love is only gonna break your heart]"

In love, what percentage of things are done to "secure" the other person to ourselves?
How often do we play a "wicked game" just to make sure the other person will remain with us?


AnnaFullStop said...

Exactly. I also wrote about games a couple of days ago. It seems unavoidable. The only thing is, there are no rules. That's the fucking problem.

And as for the half naked girl in the video, no comment.

Noodles Homewood said...

> That's the fucking problem

This is not a very girly slang! :-)

Sometimes I feel like when we love someone we simply do things to have them love us. We do things to have him or her depending from us and when we decide that we do not want it anymore (the dependance, not the person or the love) we feel guilty.

For the half naked girl, come on, isn't she amazing? The video is very soft at the end! ^_^

AnnaFullStop said...

eheheh I cannot judge an half naked girl!
and yes, that is not appropriate language for a girl but it's pretty appropriate for expressing my thought, damn! :)

I guess that the need to let someone depending on us is linked to the insecurities we have. The more insecure we are of deserving that love, the more we like the other person to be dependent on us. But then we should remember that, granted that everyone plays games, the other person is likely to be playing as well...and that is the fucking problem as I said before! :)

Noodles Homewood said...

I think I agree with you.
Do you play the game of making the other person dependent because you are insecure?
I am pretty sure I did in the past, I am trying to avoid doing it now.
What a fucking problem! :-D

Today I visit a fashion customer, I am soooooo elegant that I look stupid! :-)

AnnaFullStop said...

Well, yesterday I met with clients, I was so elegant that I couldn't sit properly the whole time!

Anyway, I don't think I know how to make someone dependent on me..I am not really that person. But it did happen that someone was dependent on me and that made me feel safer, more secure as if I had the control of the situation. But after a while I just felt uncomfortable...I wish I had a different kind of person next to me, not someone dependent, maybe someone wilder. That's another problem!

Noodles Homewood said...

Wilder? Someone who can wake up you on Sat morning and say "ok we go" and you drive random?
If so, I know what you mean! ^_^

> I was so elegant that I couldn't sit properly the whole time!

Heels were too high? :-)

AnnaFullStop said...

ahahah not only heels, probably just the jacket!
yes, something like that, wild means that you just follow instict sometimes, like waking the other person on Sat Morning and say 'hey, dress up, we need to go!'

Anyway, according to your last relelations about the UK girl and the first kiss, tracking down your actual age is easy and you might well be as you said 31 or 32 :)
not that it matters, by all means!

It is saturday morning, I woke up alone and no one asked me to go out randomly! :( what a shame!

Noodles Homewood said...

Well, it is quite easy to track down my age. Just have a look at the url of my blog. 79 is not there by chance! :-)
Sat morning. My friend wake me up and said "do we go for a car ride and lunch somewhere?". "Ok give me half an hour to take a shower and get ready, see you there".
Not exactly what we meant with "go out randomly" but a nice try...
We are on the way to the afternoon playful destimation...

AnnaFullStop said...

I envy you. Can I borrow your friend?