Monday, January 24, 2011

Still in my heart

"E' per te questo bacio nel vento
Te lo manderò li con almeno altri cento
é per te forse non sará molto
La tua storia lo so meritava piú ascolto
E magari chi sa se io avessi saputo
Avrei dato un aiuto
Ma che importa oramai? Ora che...

Puoi prendere per la coda una cometa
E girando per l'universo te ne vai
Puoi raggiungere forse adesso la tua meta
Quel mondo diverso che non trovavi mai
Solo che non doveva andar cosi
Solo che tutti siamo un po' più soli qui

E' per te questo fiore che ho scelto
Te lo lasceró lí sotto un cielo coperto
Mentre guardó lassu sta passando novembre
E tu hai vent'anni per sempre"

I think this song has been written for someone who is not in this world anymore.
Of course this is not your case but this song is your song. This song is our song and every time I listen to it I can help crying going back to that wonderful time we have spent together.
This song arrived in our life half an hour before saying good bye. It was written in a wall in a bar and I will never forget your face looking at me while writing it down. You told me "do you know the song?". I did but at that point I could not remember it.
And after a few minutes we told good bye. It has been short and very strong and please, please, believe me. It has been real.
Maybe we are not meant to it. But for the short time, I was happy. I realized just after what kind of gift I got from the Universe.
We might meet other people and probably we will get married to someone else. One day. But inside my heart, in the deep of my heart, I know what kind of magic we lived together and this is not something easy to forget. And I do not want to.

And now, months later, I find myself in a plane crying because the feeling is so strong. And I am grateful, because you did show to me that beauty can be just around the corned. If you just let it to hit you. If you just look.

I told you "te quiero" under that wonderful sky full of stars. It was true. And please don't forget it. Never.
I won't either.

Have a wonderful life and reach all of your dreams. I will take care of you, even if from far away probably.
Sent from a tiny keyboard
Please ignore typos unless they are funny

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lady Lagavulin

Lady Lagavulin is amazing.
She is tall, with high heels and long legs.
She is 10cm taller than myself wihtout shoes. But more than anything else, she has two wonderful, brillant, amazing blue eyes.
Her smile can bring you to the deep or heaven in a second if she decides to.

She is with an insignificant, stupid and rude young guy.
She looks at him with a glance full of love. He is really ugly.

From the first glass of wine to the last glass of Lagavulin she kept getting better and better. He kept getting worst and worst.
But at the end he wins. He can spend a night with a diamond. He might not notice how she is pure and rare. But he wins anyway.

(Noodles after a long and full-of-wine dinner. Nice restaurant, sad thoughts)